About Us
Hitech Insurance Broking Services Ltd. (HIBSL) is a pioneering insurance broking business and is widely regarded as a specialist
in Marine and Transportation insurance services, offering curated insurance solutions to several other sectors as well
- Infrastructure, Aviation, Financial Services, Oil & Gas, Healthcare and Life Insurance. The experienced and highly
competent minds at HIBSL are well-versed in handling the A to Z of insurance matters, quotes, and claim settlements.
Key partnerships with top international insurance brokers in the United Kingdom, Russia, Belgium, Yemen, Germany,
China, United Arab Emirates and the United States of America play an important part in HIBSL’s unwavering ability to
deliver world-class services tailor-made for the client.
HIBSL’s competency and expertise allows us to be a major provider of insurance for varying aircraft hull & liability
risks. We offer comprehensive coverage for an extensive range of aircraft hull and liability exposures wherein our
experienced underwriters develop programs tailored to each of these specific risks, including fixed and rotor wing
aircraft for both commercial and corporate operations.
We offer a range of aviation related insurance covers as below through our partners from India and overseas underwriters.
Aviation Hull All Risk Insurance Policy
Our hull and liability coverage placements are either covered in our major risk, complex risk, or general aviation facilities. This policy is suitable for commercial airlines and regional airlines, charter and cargo airlines operators, flying clubs, companies engaged in agricultural spraying operations, aircraft especially designed for VVIPs, business executives.
Airports and Helipad Insurance
We offer liability coverage for operations, ownership, and use of an airport in all public as well as private airports. The airport owners should carry liability insurance coverage to protect themselves from a claim of bodily injury or property damage arising from the public’s use of the premises and due to the negligence of the airport owner. Additionally, like any other FBO, the airport owner should consider purchasing products liability coverage and/or hangar-keepers coverage. We also offer cover for air ambulance, storage, and product liability at fuelling stations.
Charter Operator Liabilities
The typical insured would be a corporation that charters, hires, rents, or otherwise uses aircraft that are not owned in whole or in part. Use could include exposure to airports, helipads, and other aviation locations where other insurance may not provide protection. Standard coverage includes Non-Owned Aviation Liability and Aviation Premises Liability - together under one form. Other extensions are Medical Payment, Personal Effects Liability, and Personal Accident Liability.
Hull/Spares War Risk Insurance
Indemnity is provided to the aircraft as well as spares caused by war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil war, rebellion, revolution, resurrection, martial law, strikes, riots, civil commotion, malicious acts, sabotage.
Aviation Personal Accident (crew member) Insurance
This cover is designed to cover pilots, engineers, and other crew members against injury, disablement or death arising as result of an accident. The cover is available both for ground and air travel related accidents throughout the world.
Loss of License Insurance
Operating crews of the aircraft are required to have a valid license. License is liable to be suspended either temporarily or permanently on medical grounds. Consequential financial loss is covered by the loss of license policy. Cover provided is in respect of incapacity causing permanent total disablement or temporary total disablement due to bodily injury or illness.
Besides the aforementioned general aviation policies, we also provide various other tailor-made insurance covers as per specific requirements of the insured.
Health is wealth - the adage goes. While everyone takes all care to see that he/she remains in complete good health,
he/she develops some health problems which need to be taken care of. Recognising the rising costs of medical treatments,
we provide invaluable forms of protecting your well-being through personalized, cost-effective health insurance covers.
Individual Health Plans
Keeping your good health in mind, our insurance specialists have curated a variety of individual health insurance plans that come on a stand-alone or family basis. We have plans that automatically reinstates the basic sum insured in case you exhaust it in a policy year. It also rewards you with a multiplier benefit for claim free years, taking care of expenses relating to hospitalisation, pre and post hospitalisation, maximum number of day care procedures, domicilary treatment, daily cash, emergency ambulances, health check-up, critical illnesses etc. Our endless benefits at pocket-friendly rates distinguish us from our competitors.
Group Health Plans
Medical costs are becoming increasingly expensive. Hospital expenses, consultancy charges, medicine costs, nursing charges, are all increasing. We offer Group Health Plans for Employer-Employee, Affinity Groups, Associations, Trusts, Clubs etc.
Our Group Health insurance provides coverage for employees/ members and their dependants on basic or wider cover basis. Our Group Health Insurance Schemes provide the following covers:
- Hospitalisation Expenses for a minimum period of 24 hours
- Pre and Post Hospitalisation Expenses
- Pre-Existing Illness Covers
- Room Rents for normal and ICU cases
- Doctor’s fees, Nursing Fees, Surgical Fees, Operating Theatre, Anesthesia, Drugs and Medicines cost
- Maternity Covers
- Child from Day One
- Ambulance charges
- The benefit of Corporate Buffer can also be chosen by the Company and can be utilized in case the individual sum insured is inadequate to cover all the expenses
- Periodical Health Check up programmes
- Health Camps and Awareness Programmes
We arrange for these covers from our valued insurance partners in the Public and Private Sector segments and from exclusive Health Insurance companies.
Life Insurance plans are the safest and most secure way to protect your family members in case of an unfortunate
demise. An untimely demise can cause severe financial distress. Life insurance gives you the peace of mind to know
that your family will have the right financial support. We can help you choose an insurance plan that allows your
family to continue living a stable life and cherish the happy memories.
Individual Cover
We provide individual covers for life insurance, always keeping in mind the needs of our customers. Our various coverage plans help you find the best policy to ensure a lifetime of protection.
Protection Plan
We arrange for multiple cost-efficient life insurance plans that are designed to give full protection & financial stability to your family in case of unforeseen events. Wide ranges of protection plans range viz. level term plan, increasing sum insured plans, and refund of premium plans are available to meet your specific requirements.
Savings Plan
It comes with the multiple options of protecting your life and at the same time, help you build sizeable funds to meet your future requirements of higher education for your children, their marriages, and such other long term plans.
Child Plan
We understand your financial plans for your children and we bring you appropriate children-oriented insurance plans with multiple and interesting options including Double Benefits, Triple Benefits payment options.
Individual Annuities
Annuities help you in getting regular, periodic payments to meet your monthly/quarterly/yearly expenses. We provide such benefits, life-long, with a minimum period with or without increasing monetary benefits. Our plans can provide you with a rewarding combination of safety, tax deferral and choice.
Employee Benefit Plans
Employees are considered the most important Asset of any organization. . Organisations therefore wish to provide maximum benefits to their employees while keeping your costs in check.
These Employee Benefit plans are well recognized and received by the employees and employers.
- Group Term Insurance
- Group Personal Accident
- Group Gratuity
- Group Superannuation
Apart from HIBSL’s all-round expertise in insurance matters, our internationally renowned Marine Insurance services
form one of our flagship offerings. Our specialists work round the clock and cater to the multitude of customer needs
in a diligent and timely manner, covering loss or damage of ships, terminals, cargo, and any transport of cargo where
property is transferred, acquired, or held between the points of origin and the final destination.
Marine Cargo
Movement of goods from one place to another is the most vital aspect of any trade. Goods can be transported by road, rail, river, and sea. However, movement of goods by any of these modes entails multiple and unique risks. The type of cargo and goods that are transported vary from one industry to another and require special attention considering their features. In order to avoid any risks associated with such movements and protect the cargo from loss or damage, one needs to take Marine Insurance. We understand these risks and specialise in arranging the most appropriate Marine Cargo insurance covers.
We arrange for the specific marine insurance policies for each type of cargo:
- Normal Cargo
- Bulk Cargo
- Project Cargo
- Transit Cargo
Depending upon the need, we arrange for any of the following insurance covers:
Marine Specific Policy
It covers a single and specific transit. The cover is valid as long as the goods have not reached their destination and automatically gets terminated once these reach their destination.
Marine Open Cover
It is an annual policy by which the cargo is covered automatically. Premium is paid in advance on the agreed rate based on the reported annual sales turnover and transit volume and is adjustable on declaration of actual values of shipments/dispatches. Certificates are issued for individual shipments/dispatches. It is a customer friendly policy.
Marine Annual Turnover Policy
It is a policy to cover the transit of all kinds of goods pertaining to Import, export, and inland movement of goods. The goods are automatically covered. Unlike the Marine Open Cover, one need not submit periodical declaration of movements of goods. The premiums are paid on the basis of sales turnover and can be paid in instalments.
We extend cover on All Risks Basis under ICC-A for international transits and ITC-A for domestic transits. The nature of the cover depends upon the nature of the cargo moved, whether it is new or old as well as the size, shape and volume.
Marine Hull Insurance
Marine Hull insurance is one of our specialty offerings wherein we provide policies for all types of vessels. We arrange hull and machinery (H&M) policies for all ocean-going ships, barges, boats, speed boats, fishing vessels, coastal and inland vessels, and dredges. We arrange for 100% of the risk involved and do not seek to restrict writing H&M risks on any particular standard form and instead choose to provide risk cover on either "all risks" or "named peril" wordings after discussion with the shipowner or their intermediary.
Besides extending the H&Mcover for the vessels as above, we also arrange for covers for Protection and Indemnity Liabilities, Charter Liabilities, Charterers’ Freight, General Average Disbursement, Ship Repairers' Liabilities, Shipbuilding Risks, Shipbreaking Risks and other allied interests of whatsoever nature required to be insured in India.
- Fire, Explosion
- Stranding, Sinking etc.
- Overturning, Derailment
- Collision
- General Average Sacrifice, Sacrifice, Salvage Charges
- Jettisons
- Piracy
- Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption, or Lightning
- Crew Negligence
We can also cover specific coverage in addition to the above risks.
Our experienced team understands the risks of vessels in all forms and types. We work with the client closely to determine their specific requirements and provide tailor-made risk covers. Our international association also helps in obtaining the most ideal covers.
Stevedore Liability Insurance
Stevedores are the people who work on the wharfs and on the ships, loading and unloading the cargo. They operate derricks and cranes on the ship as well as the huge container cranes on shore. On container ships, stevedores take containers from the storage area to the crane and from the crane to the storage area. They secure containers to the ship and to each other. On some wharfs they may also operate conveyor belts or drive cars on or off ships. While carrying out these jobs, due to mechanical and human errors, there could be losses or damage to the cargo, containers, and also third parties. The shipping lines, the port authorities, and also third parties seek heavy compensation for the losses. It would therefore be prudent to the Stevedore Operators to keep themselves adequately covered to ward off any claims that could occur.
We have specialists who understand the risks extremely well wherein we arrange for appropriate insurance covers to perfectly fit the requirements.
This marine policy provides liability coverage for stevedores arising out of the loading and unloading of a vessel and includes coverage for physical loss or damage to the property of others while in the Insured’s care, custody & control. This coverage is typically combined with Comprehensive Marine Liability and/or Wharfinger’s Legal Liability for a complete liability program but can be written monoline if needed.
We also cover by way of extension fire risks including losses due to storm, tempest, flood, and inundation along with the burglary or theft of the cargo when under custody of the stevedore.
Generally, the following risks are covered under the Stevedore Liability:
- Loss/damage to the cargo
- Loss/damage to the ship/ships gear/equipment
- Loss/damage to third party property
- Loss/damage to hired/leased-in equipment
- Loss/damage to jetty/berth and equipment owned/provided by port authorities
- Accidental bodily injury and or death to any person (other than a person in the service of the insured or a member of the family of the Insured or acting on behalf of the Insured or his/their employees)
- Pollution liabilities including clean-up expenses
The cover is extended on AOA and AOY basis with a minimum of 1:1 to maximum of 1:4 basis.
As our staff are well experienced in the line of policy, we extend seamless service to the clients in underwriting the risks, servicing the clients and also for the claims settlement if any
Container Insurance
There is a paradigm shift in movement of goods. The goods and cargo are now transported in containers which offer protection to the cargo from the onslaught of vagaries of weather while in transit, from theft and burglaries, or from any external forces. The containers move from various continents both on-shore and off-shore and can be profitabily used if handled effectively. The owners or the leasers of the containers suffer from loss or damages to the containers while in transit or in storage in a ware house, CFS, Port etc. In order to minimise these losses, we provide Container Insurance.
The container insurance is based on a sum Insured, calculated at the maximum value of the containers as per the declaration made of the owner or lessee. In case of a loss or damage to a container due to an insured peril, the insurance will indemnify the assured for the value of the container or the cost of repairs.
We arrange for the cover for three different kinds of losses or damages as below:
Total Loss:
Loss of the container. The agreed value of the container will be paid to the assured.
Partial Loss:
Damage caused to a container, the cost of repairs will be paid.
Partial Liability:
The value of the containers salvaged that will form part as a contribution for general average or salvage. Also including
liability incurred in a collision.
However, if the client wishes to cover comprehensively, we can arrange for an All Risks cover to all the three risks under a package policy.
The cover is also arranged both for the Loaded Containers as well as Empty Containers depending upon the needs of the client.
We have been arranging the Container Insurance for a quite a few CFS, ICDs and Warehouses for any loss or damage to the goods during the transit not only between the designated places under a marine policy but also for any movement from the Port to the CFS/ICDs/Warehouses and vice-versa. We also have been arranging for cover for any third party liabilities both for personal injuries and property losses during such movements.
Contractors Plant And Machinery (Cpm) Insurance
In the marine industry, the shippers, the shipping lines, the stevedores, the CFS operators, warehouse operators, jetty owners, port authorities, use machines and equipment like reach stackers, cranes, fork lifts, weighing platforms, excavators, bulldozers etc. These could sustain loss or damage during these operations resulting in heavy financial losses, business interruptions, and also third party losses on account personal injuries and/or property losses.
Our team of officials are well versed with the operations of the above stakeholders and arrange for suitable insurance policies to cover any loss or damage to the equipment and machinery through CPM policies. These policies also cover the losses due to an accident arising out of external perils. We arrange for the covers when these equipment are in operation, at rest, or while getting dismantled during overhauling, repairs or cleaning.
The following risks are covered under CPM policy:
- Loss or damage due to any internal, electrical or mechanical break down
- Loss or damage to replaceable parts or attachments such as bits, drills, knives, dies, moulds etc.
- Loss or damage whilst in transit from one location to another
- Loss due to wear and tear, corrosion, rust, deterioration, and atmospheric conditions
- Loss or damage to machinery working underground
- Loss or damage for which the supplier or manufacturer is responsible either by law or under contract
We extend cover for basic risks as above and/or for additional risks through our comprehensive policy. The comprehensive policy covers the following additional risks. These are covered on voluntary basis based on the specific requirements:
- Owners Surrounding Property
- Clearance and Removal of Debris
- Air Freight
- Customs Duty
- Dismantling
- Escalation
- Third party Losses
- Floater Cover
- Earthquake
- Terrorism
The CPM Policies are generally taken on Reinstatement Value basis. We arrange for suitable covers from the
Port and Terminals:
Port and Terminal Risks are sophisticated and require insightful expertise to understand the underlying risks. We
arrange for personalised, comprehensive package policies under Ports and Terminals to meet particular requirements
of our valued clients.
We provide covers to Port Authorities, Jetty Owners, Private and Public Port Operators, Container Terminals, Dry and Liquid Bulk Terminals, Stevedores, Marinas. As the requirements of each segment can be unique, we negotiate with our clients to specifically understand, discuss, and arrive at the list of risks to be covered after technical evaluation of the same.
Port package policy is a comprehensive package of insurance products designed to cope with the combinations of commercial and environmental business risks faced by port authorities.
The risks that are covered under the Port Policies are as under:
- Physical Damage to the Property
- Vessels and Floating Objects
- Cargo Handling Equipment
- Third Party Liabilities in respect of Legal and/or Contractual Liability
- Professional Liability for Negligent Acts, Errors, or Omissions
- Business Interruption
- P&I and Port liabilities
- Removal of Wreckage
- Clean-up Costs
- Terrorism Risks
- Fines & Penalties imposed by Authorities
- Wharfingers’ Liability
- First Dollar Defense Liabilities
• Port infrastructure (quays, docks, berths, breakwaters, hard standing etc.)
• Port Buildings (warehouses, offices, gates, control towers etc.)
• Handling Equipment (gantry cranes, ship loaders, straddle carriers, forklifts etc.)
Whether your business involves moving, towing, or trucking by road, sea or air, you should feel confident about
a smooth transition. We have a passion for protecting your business: from the goods to employees and third-party
losses and damages, we are with you every step of the way.
Carriers and Freight Forwarders Legal Liability
This is a specialised policy for the Carriers/Transport Operators. This policy offers coverage for actual physical loss or destruction/damage during transit and while loading and unloading good or merchandise.
Basic Cover provides cover for losses arising out of fire, explosion and/or accident to the carrying vehicle. Wider Cover provides cover for Burglary, RSOMD, handling damages, flood and water damages and legal costs.
Multi-modal Transport Liability
This policy covers different liabilities as a Multi-Modal Transport Operator. Coverage includes various roles like freight forwarder, ship agents, clearing and forwarding agents, custom house agents. The risks include cargo-related liability, third party liability, professional and indemnity/errors and omission liability, fines to the authorities, and legal expenses.
Warehouse Liability and Container Freight Station (CFS) Liability
This is a unique type of liability insurance policy in response to storage loss or damage to goods due to fire, STFI, EQ, handling damages whether the goods are containerised or otherwise. We also extend cover for third party risks, customs duty paid/payable losses. It covers for the loss or damage of goods between the loading port and Warehouse/CFS and vice-versa.
Motor Insurance
Commercial Vehicles
This policy covers your vehicles and protects you as a motor owner against physical damage, bodily injury/death
and for any third-party liability for loss or damage to persons or their property. Our policy packages include accidental
damage to the vehicle due to: fire, lightning, self-ignition, external explosion, burglary, housebreaking or theft,
malicious act.
Our policies can also extend coverage to loss/damage to electrical accessories, non-electrical accessories, zero
depreciation and other IMT endorsements. Additionally, we can arrange for roadside assistance, towing, loss of keys,
cashless repairs as add-on benefits.
Private Car insurance
This policy will allow you to continue driving peacefully and ensure you are protected from financial and legal
liabilities. Car owners across India trust us to insure their car since we provide package policies that would protect
them against physical damage, bodily injury/death and cover against third-party liability, zero depreciation, Engine/Gear
Box covers, key replacement and roadside expenses. Coverage includes cashless settlement at preferred garages, on
account payment facility, hassle free claim settlement, friendly and understanding employees, expeditious claim settlement,
towing facility, instant claim registration, online claim status.
The oil and gas industry is unique from a risk management standpoint. Our insurance specialists are industry experts
and understand the challenges of the oil & petroleum sector. This enables us to use our rich, diverse experience
to identify and subsequently develop the ideal insurance coverage for your company.
We provide insurance and risk management solutions for companies engaged in any of the following oil, gas, or petrochemical industries:
- Fuel Distribution (Home Heating Oil, Propane, Gasoline)
- Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores
- Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas
- Oil & Petrochemical Processing & Refining
- Transmission, Distribution & Storage
- Oil & Gas Pipelines and Pipeline Terminals
- Petroleum Products Manufacturing
- Petroleum Bulk Products & Terminals
Customised Insurance covers
Designed with your business in mind, our oil and gas products are available to customers of all sizes for both onshore and offshore operations with a focus on exploration and production.
Our customers include:
- Operators
- Non-operators
- Drilling Contractors
- Service Contractors
- Manufacturing and Wholesale/Retail Firms
- Workover Contractors
- Equipment Rental Contractors
- Well Loggers
- Oil Field Electricians
- Geophysical Services
- Pipeline Contractors
Our consultative approach to the oil and petroleum industry includes the following services:
- Operational Assessments
- Loss Control and Safety Training Materials
- Claims Frequency Reports
- Loss Source Analysis Reports
- Claims Management with Licensed Adjusters
We customize insurance coverage to meet your company’s unique needs. All lines of coverage are available including:
Workers’ Compensation:
It provides benefits for accidental death, permanent and partial disability, temporary disabilities, and also occupational
Multi Perils Insurance for LPG Gas Dealers policy:
It consists of as many as 12 covers including fire, burglary, loss or damage to gas cylinders - filled & empty,
monetary loss, fidelity guarantee, personal accidents, and also public liability.
Public Liability Risks Insurance:
It covers any legal liability of the insured towards damages to the third party in respect of accidental death/bodily
injury/diseases or damage to property arising out of such accidents.
Pollution Risks:
This policy covers the risk (1) arising out of pollution or contamination caused by oil or (2) for any sudden/accidental
discharge, dispersal, release of escape leading to dispersal, release or escape of smoke, vapors, soot, fumes, acids,
alkalis, toxic chemicals, liquids or gases, waste materials or other irritants, contaminants or pollutants into or
upon the land, the atmosphere or any water body.
In-hole Loss Policies:
This policy provides cover for any loss due to drilling machine lost or damaged during the operation. The policy
provides for reimbursement of expenses for salvaging the lost or damaged shaft/drilling machine insured under the
policy. It is a unique cover arranged by us with the help of experienced underwriters.
Refineries Risk Policies:
This policy will cover damage resulting from fire or any natural calamity, loss of profit occurring due to business
interruption, and any other damage to its property, plant and machinery. We provide for reasonable deductibles and
take quotes from experienced underwriters with sufficient capacity.
Our services
The hallmark of Hitech Insurance Broking Services Ltd (HIBSL) is quality customer service and care. Available year-round, we maintain excellent coordination with insurance companies all over the world to provide insurance coverage at the most competitive prices. HIBSL puts emphasis on Actuary Services—selecting the more important covers for our customers. Before recommending any product, we spend an enormous amount of time with the clients to understand their risks and discuss their requirements. HIBSL executes Risk Management policies and ensures Loss Prevention. Our dedicated team trained in Claims Management and Settlement assists clients in filling claim forms, claim preparation, presentation and following up with insurance underwriters. We maintain the highest professional approach with everything we do. Our customer is always at the forefront of our work.
We are proud to say that we utilise the services of Actuaries in properly assessing the risks of our clients, study the risk profile and recommend appropriate insurance covers at a competitive price. We share with our clients the risks associated with their line of business, the retention limits and the quantum of risks that needed to be covered. These services require the intervention of technical risk assessors like Actuaries. An Actuary plays the role of Technical Communicator between the client and the insurance company through the Brokers. As the market hardens and the needs of the client widens and assume complexities, the support of an Actuary assumes greater significance. As the premium is getting higher and higher the insured gets worried on the outgo and explore avenues for reduction in the premium. We as insurance brokers help interaction with Actuaries and arrive at the requirements, gaps, covers and price. Very few insurance brokers work in tandem with actuaries as we do. Our clients therefore can be assured of right product, retention and right price.
The risk management mission is to identify and measure exposure to loss. The exposure to loss is assessed through the following process:
a) Risk Identification. Simply put, it is a process of examining and determining the potential sources of loss faced by an organisation.
b) Risk analysis: It is done through Risk Assessment, financial Assessment and Loss Data Assessment. It is done analysed through quantitative analysis.
c) Risk Control: It defines an action or inaction to reduce the probability, frequency, severity or unpredictability of loss.
d) Risk Financing: It defines the method of funding the losses that strike an organisation.
All the above tasks can only be done through trained and experienced professionals. We excel in Risk Management and can help our clients in measuring the exposure to losses and the methods by which they can reduce the losses.
It is another and most important tool of Risk Management and we provide highly professional advices relating to Loss Prevention. This is done through experts in the field and entail the following:
• Check all the risks identified by the Risk Management team have been discussed with the client risk-wise.
• Discuss with the clients the availability of various risk policies, the price and the deductibles to see that these policies meet with the requirements.
• Discuss with the clients on the strategies relating to claims in the event of occurring any losses.
• Discuss with the clients for developing customised risk policies if off the shelf products are not available.
• Discuss with the clients on the Risk Prevention programmes by arranging training programmes.
• Discuss with the clients on the Risk Prevention steps needed like installing fire fighting equipment, fire alarms, sprinklers etc.
• Discuss with the clients on the production, storing and distribution of products and the risks that are associated at each of the above stage and recommend appropriate preventions.
In addition to preparing and ensuring the correct execution of the policy, it is also our responsibility to pursue any claims the insured makes. The management of insurance claims is becoming more complex; at Marsh, we are best positioned to assist you by using our expertise, market knowledge, and relationships to develop a transparent resolution strategy. Our aim is to make sure there are no surprises and that your claim is settled in the optimum time, meeting your expectations. We have an excellent team of senior officials well versed with the claims handling and settlement and we provide the following services:
• Deploy the senior, expert advocacy resource that is best qualified to deliver the optimal outcome.
• Provide strategic and technical advice throughout the period of the negotiations with insurers.
• Where appropriate, seek to engage additional specialist resources including forensic accountants and lawyers from our consultant advocate team.
• Offer you our observations on any lessons learned which might ensure that similar losses are avoided in the future.