
Changing the Narrative

Did you know that manufacturing glass packaging can have a higher environmental impact compared to plastic?

In fact, when used responsibly and thoughtfully, the impact of manufactured plastics can be significantly reduced. We are making this shift toward sustainable manufacturing through responsible decision-making.

Keeping Our Promise to the World

As leading producers in the plastic packaging industry, we hold a deep commitment to our planet's well-being. We pioneer innovative tailored solutions for a circular economy — one where resources are endlessly repurposed. With our expertise across various materials and technologies, we strive to discover the most sustainable solutions for every product need imaginable. Central to our mission is the pursuit of resource efficiency, ensuring that our outputs align with our and our customer’s goal of judiciously utilising resources.

1. Smart Material Usage

Careful thought goes into the responsible use and reuse of our raw materials. By sourcing recycled polyolefins, we reduce the demand for virgin polymers, contributing to a long-term sustainable, circular economy. We are continuously increasing our usage of recycled polyolefins in certain products to support the transition towards a circular economy model, where resources are kept in use for as long as possible through recycling and reuse. By incorporating recycled materials into your products, you participate in closing the loop of plastic production and consumption, fostering a more sustainable and resilient economic system. We have also tied up with the best academic institutions to enhance our learnings of polymers, standard quality control processes, systems management and recycling of plastics. These collaborators include ACMA (Auto Components Manufacturing Association) and Ubuntoo Inc., a US-based corporation. Through these collaborations, we have developed a sustainable business model that can meet all your green manufacturing commitments.

2. Green Energy

We are harnessing solar energy for our operations across locations, with rooftop solar panels and Open Access Solar Power. Leveraging our geographical advantage, our plants in Tamil Nadu also utilise green energy in the form of power-efficient windmills. Most of our plants are green energy enabled, which seeks to implement a closed-looped system that ensures the effective reuse of water.

3. Design

Adopting lightweight packaging initiatives further reduces our material and energy consumption. Lighter packaging translates into lower usage of raw material and lower transportation impact through reduced fuel usage, which contributes towards efficient space optimisation. Redesigning packaging to be more compact or stackable improves transport efficiency, reducing the energy and emissions associated with transportation. This has a positive impact on sustainability by lowering the carbon footprint of the product throughout its lifecycle.

4. Technology

We use the latest technology machines in our manufacturing facilities. These machines consume less energy during the manufacturing process and produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions during operation. This contributes to a reduction in the company's carbon footprint and offers greater precision and control over the manufacturing process. This results in fewer defects and wasted materials, leading to overall reductions in waste generation

5. Strategic Layout

From production to transportation, all our facilities are carefully designed to minimise energy consumption. This is done through efficient layout, workflows and closely controlled rejection rates. Our manufacturing units are also strategically spread out across India, to ensure minimal transportation time and costs. This allows us to cut down on unnecessary transport packaging wherever possible while ensuring flexible responses to production changes. These locational benefits add up to create a larger impact, contributing to a reduced carbon footprint which in turn allows our customers to meet their green goals.

Stepping into Tomorrow

As we continue to evolve our practices with the evolving needs of the planet, our next big goal is a 30% reduction in carbon emissions by the year 2030. Join us on our journey to make this goal a reality.